COS'y Life


Dr. Ayaz A.

Aesthetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon


  1. Name and Surname: Ayaz A.
  2. Date of Birth/ 1975
  2. Elementary School: Şıhlı (1986-1991)
  3. Middle School / High School: Bakü 5.nolu kimya biyoloji temayüllü (1991-1998)
  4. University : İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Faculty of Medicine (1993-1999)
  5. Residency : Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, İstanbul Faculty of Medicine

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive and Hand Surgery (1999-2004)

  1. Courses

(1) Microsurgery Courses  (11.12.2000-23.12.2000 /Şişli Etfal Educationa Hospital)

  1. Congress and Confrences he attended:


 (1) XXII. National Society of Turkish Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress (27 September-1 October 2000 / İzmir).

(2) 23. National Society of Turkish Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress ( 27-30 September 2001 / Istanbul).

(3) 1st Congress of the World Society for Breast Health and 6th National Congress of the Turkish Senologic Society (September 22-26 / Istanbul)

(4) 16. Congress of International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) (May 26-29 2002 / Istanbul).

(5) 24. National Society of Turkish Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress ( 18-20 September 2001/ Ankara).

(6) Obstetrik Brakial Pleksus Injuries. Hacettepe University Medical School =Continued Medical Education Events (21 February 2003/ Ankara).

(7) “Facial Noninvasive Aesthetic Interventions” panel (25 December 2003/ Istanbul).

(8) 8th National Congress of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association. (18-20 June 2004/


(9) 9th National Congress of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association.. ‘Rinoplasti Kursu’ (11-15

May 2005/ İstanbul)

(10) Turkish Reconstructive Microsurgery Association Course ‘

Selection of Recipient Veins in Microsurgery and Solution of Problems Encountered’ (19 May 2007/İstanbul)

(11) 11th National Congress of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association.. ‘Facial Aesthetic Surgery Course’ (18-20 June 2007/ İstanbul)

(12) 3rd National Reconstructive Microsurgery Congress (26-28 November 2007)


  1. Memberships of associations:

(1) Istanbul Medical Faculty Plastic Surgery Association

 (2) Turkish Reconstructive Microsurgery Association

(3) Turkish Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association


  1. Baku High School chemical and biology theme, ranked first in 1992
  2. Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 1999
  3. September 1999 foreigners Tus winner ranked first
  1. Thesis Subject: Shoulder reconstruction in obstetric brachial plexus palsy.
  2. Publications:

(1) Emekli U., Aslan A., Önel D., Çizmeci O. Osteochondroma of the coronoid process (Jacob’s Disease). J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 60: 1354-1356, 2002.


 (2) Emekli U., Aslan A., Önel D., Kesim S. N. Extra- articular ankylosis of the mandible caused by possible migration of bone grafts. Annals of Plastic Surgery 51: 435-436, 2003.

(3) Çizmeci O., Aslan A., Önel D., Demiryont M. Ameloblastic carcinoma ex ameloblastoma of the mandible, case report. Head and Neck Surg. 130(5): 633-634, 2004.

  1. Posters:

(1) Aslan A., Önel D., Emekli U., Çizmeci O. Koronoid çıkıntıda osteokondrom. 22. Ulusal Türk Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Derneği Kongresi (27 Eylül-1 Ekim 2000).

(2) Aslan A., Emekli U., Önel D., Aslanov A., Aköz F. Lefort III Development of ankylosis after osteotomy, case report. 23rd National Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress (27-30 September 2001).

(3) Aslan A., Emekli U., Ermiş İ., Çizmeci O., Önel D., Mezdeği A., Güven E. Osteochondromas arising from the condylar region of the mandible and the coronoid process. 23rd National Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress (27-30 September 2001).


  1. Presentations:

(1) Aslan A., Önel D., Ermiş İ., Topalan M., Aydın A., Erer M., Karamürsel S., Solakoğlu S. Nerve regeneration, sub-muscular or subcutaneous. 22. National Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress (27 September-1 October 2000).

(2) Özkan T., Aslan A., Önel D., Mersa B. Palliative surgical procedures to restore shoulder function in obsteric palsy sequela. Inaugural Congress of the World Society for Recontrucyive Microsurgery (October 29- November 3 2001).

  2. Sking


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